Past Events | Event Recordings and Interviews
Books at the Center: Charne Lavery: Writing Ocean Worlds and Isabel Hofmeyr: Dockside Reading (11/3/2022)
Participants: Charne Lavery, Isabel Hofmeyr, Vilashini Cooppan, Michaela Bronstein
Interview podcast and transcripts
Ian Watt Lecture: Wai Chee Dimock, “A Long History of Pandemics” (3/2/2023)
Participants: Wai Chee Dimock
Interview podcast and transcripts
Books at the Center: Peter Boxall, The Prosthetic Imagination (10/29/2021)
Participants: Peter Boxall, Ian Duncan, Nancy Ruttenburg
Interview podcast and transcripts
Panel on Anti-Racist Pedagogies of the Novel (5/14/2021)
Participants: Chris Freeburg, Achille Mbembe, Ebony Elizabeth Thomas
See video recording
Panel on Crime Narratives (4/30/2021)
Participants: Andrea Goulet, Michelle Robinson, Héctor Hoyos
Interview podcast and transcripts
Panel on Fictions of Care (2/23/2021)
Participants: Jeanne-Marie Jackson, Talia Schaffer, Abraham Verghese
See video recording
Books at the Center: Nicholas Paige, Technologies of the Novel (2/8/2021)
Participants: Nicholas Paige, Margaret Cohen, John Bender, Chloe Edmondson
Interview podcast and transcripts
Books at the Center: Dorothy Hale, The Novel and the New Ethics (1/15/2021)
Participants: Dorothy Hale, Nancy Ruttenburg, Alex Woloch
Interview podcast and transcripts
Ian Watt Lecture: Sharon Marcus, "Reading as if for Death” (10/30/2020)
Participants: Sharon Marcus
See video recording
Interview podcast and transcripts
Panel on Fashion Stories (1/9/2020)
Participants: Emily Apter, Rhonda Garelick, Anne Higonnet
Interview podcast and transcripts
Panel on Tragedy and Postcolonial Literature (11/15/2019)
Participants: Ato Quayson, Richard Halpern, John Kerrigan
Interview podcast and transcripts
Books at the Center: Stephen Best, None Like Us (10/10/2019)
Participants: Stephen Best, Kris Cohen, Mario Telò
Interview podcast and transcripts
Panel on Speculative Fictions: Possible Futures for the Planet (5/23/2019)
Participants: Wai Chee Dimock, Colin Milburn, John Plotz
Interview podcast and transcripts
Ian Watt Lecture: Rita Felski, “Identification: A Defense” (5/3/2019)
Participants: Rita Felski
Interview podcast and transcripts
Center for the
Study of the Novel
Margaret Jacks Hall, 460-411
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-2087
Graduate Coordinators
Allie Gamble
Ido Keren
Casey Patterson
Alex Sherman
Department of English
Division of Literatures,
Cultures, and Languages
Stanford Literary Lab