Past Events | Books at the Center
Books at the Center: Charne Lavery: Writing Ocean Worlds and Isabel Hofmeyr: Dockside Reading (11/3/2022)
Participants: Charne Lavery, Isabel Hofmeyr, Vilashini Cooppan, Michaela Bronstein
Interview podcast and transcripts
Books at the Center: Peter Boxall, The Prosthetic Imagination (10/29/2021)
Participants: Peter Boxall, Ian Duncan, Nancy Ruttenburg
Interview podcast and transcripts
Books at the Center: Nicholas Paige, Technologies of the Novel (2/8/2021)
Participants: Nicholas Paige, Margaret Cohen, John Bender, Chloe Edmondson
Interview podcast and transcripts
Books at the Center: Dorothy Hale, The Novel and the New Ethics (1/15/2021)
Participants: Dorothy Hale, Nancy Ruttenburg, Alex Woloch
Interview podcast and transcripts
Books at the Center: Leah Price, What We Talk About When We Talk About Books (10/2/2020)
Participants: Leah Price, Jessica Jordan
Books at the Center: Stephen Best, None Like Us (10/10/2019)
Participants: Stephen Best, Kris Cohen, Mario Telò
Interview podcast and transcripts
Books at the Center: Matthew Garrett, The Cambridge Companion to the Modern Novel (3/1/2019)
Participants: Matthew Garrett, David Kurnick, Valerie Rohy, Amy C. Tang
Books at the Center: Marta Figlerowicz, Spaces of Feeling: Affect and Awareness in Modernist Literature (11/16/2017)
Participants: Marta Figlerowicz, Douglas Mao
2016 – 2017
Books at the Center: Rebecca Walkowitz, Born Translated (1/12/2017)
Participants: Rebecca Walkowitz, Michaela Bronstein, Dora Zhang
2015 – 2016
Books at the Center: Joseph Slaughter, Human Rights Inc.: The World Novel, Narrative Form, and International Law (11/20/2009)
Participants: Joseph Slaughter, Saikat Majumdar, Michael Rubenstein
Books at the Center: Ian Duncan, Scott’s Shadow: The Novel in Romantic Edinburgh (4/2/2010)
Participants: Ian Duncan, Margaret Cohen, Margaret Russett
Books at the Center: Suzanne Keen, Narrative Empathy (11/7/2008)
Participants: Suzanne Keen, Blakey Vermeule, Deena Weisberg
Books at the Center: Nicholas Dames, The Physiology of the Novel (1/16/2009)
Participants: Leah Price, Franco Moretti, Nicholas Dames
Books at the Center: Peter Brooks, Henry James Goes to Paris (2/15/2008)
Participants: Peter Brooks, Sianne Ngai, D.A. Miller, Alex Woloch
Books at the Center: Catherine Gallagher, The Body Economic (4/21/2008)
Participants: Franco Moretti, John Plotz, Catherine Gallagher
Books at the Center: Michael McKeon, The Secret History of Domesticity (10/27/2006)
Participants: Michael McKeon, John Bender, Margaret Cohen
Books at the Center: Jody Greene The Trouble with Ownership (3/1/2007)
Participants: Sianne Ngai, D.A. Miller, Alex Woloch
Books at the Center: Pascale Casanova, The World Republic of Letters (4/21/2006)
Participants: Pascale Casanova, Franco Moretti, Aamir Mufti
Books at the Center: Deidre Lynch, The Economy of Character (5/5/2006)
Participants: Deidre Lynch, April Alliston, Susan Schuyler
Books at the Center: Jonathan Lamb, Preserving the Self in the South Sea, 1680-1840 (11/4/2004)
Participants: Jonathan Lamb, Margaret Cohen, Jody Greene
Books at the Center: D.A. Miller, Jane Austen, or The Secret of Style ()
discussant: D.A. Miller, Terry Castle, Alex Woloch
Books at the Center: Alison Case, Plotting Women (2/3/2004)
Participants: Alison Case, Crisi Benford, Kent Puckett
Books at the Center: Thomas Pavel, La Pensée du Roman (1/15/2004)
Participants: Thomas Pavel, Joshua Landy, Franco Moretti
Books at the Center: Roberto Schwarz, A Master on the Periphery of Capitalism (5/1/2003)
Participants: Roberto Schwarz, Perry Anderson, Lucia Sa
Books at the Center: Katie Trumpener, Bardic Nationalism (2/10/2003)
Participants: Katie Trumpener, Ian Duncan, Seth Lerer
Books at the Center: Leah Price, The Anthology and the Rise of the Novel (3/4/2002)
Participants: Leah Price, Dawn Coleman, Priya Joshi
Books at the Center: Michael McKeon, The Theory of the Novel (11/14/2001)
Participants: Michael McKeon, D.A. Miller, Rob Polhemus
Books at the Center: Idelber Avelar, Untimely Present (11/7/2001)
Participants: Idelber Avelar, Donna Jones, Julio Ramos
Books at the Center: Margaret Doody, The True Story of the Novel (1/25/2001)
Participants: Margaret Doody, Terry Castle, Patricia Parker
Books at the Center: Margaret Cohen, The Sentimental Education of the Novel (11/13/2000)
Participants: Margaret Cohen, Sharon Marcus, Franco Moretti
Books at the Center: William Warner, Licensing Pleasure (10/25/2000)
Participants: William Warner, John Bender, James Turner
Center for the
Study of the Novel
Margaret Jacks Hall, 460-411
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-2087
Graduate Coordinators
Allie Gamble
Ido Keren
Casey Patterson
Alex Sherman
Department of English
Division of Literatures,
Cultures, and Languages
Stanford Literary Lab